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Curbing the Spread of Cancer among Firefighters

There is now more focus on how firefighters are constantly being exposed to some dangerous work environments. This is after an increase in the number of cancer victims among their ranks. Most of the deaths among firefighters can be attributed to cancer.
Their increased risk to contracting and dying from cancer comes from their constant exposure to contaminants in their line of work. In their work of putting out fires, they come close to fire and smoke toxins, which are the first contaminants to hit them. When there is a fire, there shall be some unburned combustible in the smoke, exhaust for the fire engines, and other hazards like oxidized stainless steel, lead oxide from burning carpets, and other. When they get into their bodies, they shall wreak havoc on them, cancer being among the worst.

There are several levels through which they can get contaminated. You will see them get affected in the first stage through direct contact with the hazardous materials, as it passes through their skin. On top of that, there is exposure received from their contaminated equipment, as well when they touch someone who has been contaminated directly. You shall also see them suffer since they are always in contaminated areas. This is how they shall find themselves always with high levels of contaminants in their bodies. The chances of them getting cancer and other chronic and acute diseases is unusually high.

This kind of exposure leaves them vulnerable to getting various types of cancer. There are some which seem particularly recurrent among their numbers, such as acute myeloid leukemia, melanoma, multiple myeloma, prostate cancer, brain cancer, kidney cancers, esophagus cancer, testis cancer, tongue cancer, as well as bladder cancer. Such is the bleak outlook in their present circumstances.

There have been identified some ways to help minimize such exposure and thus arrest the trend. When these measures are put in place, firefighters shall see those numbers drop. One of the important ones is the personal decontamination protocol. This is a process that sees them remove all contaminants on their bodies. There is also the decontamination of their equipment, tools, and gear. There are other steps to follow. They shall also have to decontaminate their fire station bases. It happens to be where they do decontamination work and also keep all equipment. They shall have to make sure that all the chemicals and toxin deposits are not left to re-contaminate them.

You will find different takes on how the decontamination exercises should be done, whether for personal or for equipment and location purposes. Each shall have its own levels of effectiveness and efficiency. It is important that you do not lack one of those solutions to work with. You should make a point of getting the right decontamination products and supplies. You can check out this site for some high-quality options.

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