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Kiln Dried Firewood-Why They are Worth the Extra Cost

By far and away, kiln dried firewood may cost a little extra as compared to the traditional but for sure there is a benefit to the extra cost making it a sensible investment. Precisely put, the benefits trump the cost. Read on and learn more on the benefits of the kiln dried firewood as have been outlined below.

What is kiln dried firewood in the first place? When a tree has been cut down for use as firewood, it is often considered, and actually is, too green to burn. As from experience, green wood doesn’t burn well enough and this is for the fact that it has a lot of moisture content in it which as such makes it produce so much smoke when burnt. No one wants to suffer all the discomfort that comes with all that smoke and over and above this, there are serious health risks that come with the inhalation of the smoke there may be coming from the green wood. In the days gone by, we used to have the wood from the trees cut and split into pieces and then stacked and then left to dry over a long period of time, often 6 months and at times running into years. This be as it is, there is a better way for the drying of your newly cut trees and wood and this is in the use of the kilns. Or better still, you may want to consider purchasing wood dried in a kiln for the benefits that these offer.

By and large, a kiln works more or less like an oven. The kilns heat the woods to such temperatures as high as 140 degrees Celsius or even 160 degrees internal temperature for about 75 minutes. As a matter of fact, the kiln drying method for firewood has been proved to reduce the amount of moisture content in the firewood by up to 20{865db5b7fb1780955d98766e07e831a98c5f9b22a0672de4e302fe8784232345}. As a result of this heating which so reduces the moisture content in the wood, the process of heating inside the kilns kills fungus and bugs, prevents mold and mildew from growing on the wood over the period in which they will be drying up. As a matter of fact, the quick and rather efficient drying process as well has a variety of benefits to offer the consumers, more so looking at the storage and the use of the woods while burning them. the following is a look at some of the benefits that come from the use of the kiln dried woods that make them still prove to be such an ideal option for your needs as a consumer, despite paying the extra coin for them, particularly looking at them against the firewood dried the traditional way.

By and large, the kiln dried firewood happens to be a cleaner alternative as compared to the other. This is why it has become one of the best options for a number of the commercial establishments, brick oven pizza shops, grocers, retailers and the like setups. They are dry, bug free and have an array of other benefits to offer.

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